Five things you must not do in 2020 as an Entrepreneur

We all make mistake; that’s stale news, our mistakes shouldn’t be ignored but it should be used as a platform to learn and get better.
There are bulks of errors we make as entrepreneurs, some we are aware of, but we have not gotten the resistant energy to block it off and some we are oblivious of. Truthfully, it could be emotionally threatening when we make a mistake in our business but then don’t give up yet, learn from it, prevent it, grow and come out being an entrepreneur guru.
It’s a new season to grow, the year is ending and there are certain mistakes we have made ignorantly and we shouldn’t repeat. This tip will help you be a better entrepreneur in 2020. Read, learn, put to action and see the results. Thank me in a bit. Winks

Don’t! I repeat don’t do these things ever again

1. Don’t give a YES/NO without thinking properly
Before you say yes or no you have to think properly, if you are not so sure about your intentions you might end up saying yes to what you are not capable of offering or no to what you can as well offer. Do not assume something will work out because you feel it will, without proper evaluation. Take out time to make a list of why you’re instigated to say yes or no. Be very careful! Saying the wrong thing can take you off track.

2. Don’t be afraid to try out new ideas
Few months ago I had this idea of producing fancy pen, but I was afraid to take the risk for fear of how I would make sales because it is a bit different from what I do (men accessories) .It took me over four months to agree with the idea and to take a step after consistent pop ups in my head. It kept coming up over and over again in my head. But now I’m totally glad I didn’t push or ignore the idea, no regrets. It’s absolutely normal to feel indifferent when ideas pop up, a lot of thoughts come in and you begin to strategize on ways to make them happen, fear of failure comes up, but come to think of it, that idea could be a HIT. Make that idea happen.   

3. Don't lose focus in your business
At times it could be tiring to keep focus due to some factors, it’s understandable. Realizing that your result doesn't come at once but gradually will help you hold on tight. There’s no point having 10 businesses when none is successful, be more focus on the one you have and make it work first.

4. Don't make your product your priority and the people minority
Money! That’s all some entrepreneur think about,not remembering the pillar that makes the business stand. As important as your products are so also are your customers. Have more of a customers first mentality. This will help keep your customers coming.

5. Don’t stop spending on your business
Spending money on your business improves productivity. Improve your product and services by putting in more and upgrading rather than leaving it the level it is. This will help your business grow drastically. Many people make the mistake of spending the money earned from their business for personal needs while their business is down the edge.

Share your thoughts with us….
What are your plans for 2020? What challenges did you face in 2019?